
Low ohmic resistors sense current in inverters and appliances

Ranging from 10 to 910mΩ in 48 values, the parts are called LTR50.

“A thorough review of the resistive material allowed Rohm to improve rated power to 2W in the 2.5 x 5mm [x 0.55mm] 2550 size, 4x higher than conventional short-terminal types,” said the firm, comparing the new range to its own 0.5W MCR50 low-ohmic series.

Rohm-LTR50-and-other-power-resistorsIn addition, it continued, optimisation of the element structure makes it possible to achieve a good temperature coefficient of resistance compared with other wide terminal thick-film chip resistors. For example the 100mΩ LTR50 has a TCR of ±100ppm/°C.

Rohm-LTR50 power resistorThe firm has plans for further low-ohmic resistors.